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You may know it as the mini pill or as the progesterone-only pill. Either way, it’s the safe option for oestrogen-sensitive women, and gives you just as much protection.

Talk to us about what type of pill you’re looking for. Get personalised recommendations and expert advice. Order your mini pill online and we’ll ship your medication from our pharmacy.

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This page was medically reviewed by Dr Navkaran Singh Sandhu, Lead Doctor on August 02, 2022. Next review due on August 01, 2024.
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    Minipill / POP: Here's what we've got.



    Probably the most well-known brand of mini pill. 12 hour leeway if you're late taking it.

    • Starting from ₹698.00
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    What is the progestin only birth control pill?

    Mini pills (or “progesterone-only birth control pills”) are a little different to what you might know as “The Pill”. Generally “The Pill” refers to combined birth control pills that contain two hormones, progesterone and oestrogen. Progesterone-only tablets have just one hormone in them (a type of progesterone).

    They’re more suitable than the conventional combined pill for some women, because they don’t contain oestrogen. But there’s virtually no difference in how effective they are as long as you take them correctly.

    You’ll take the progesterone only pill without a break, every day of the month. The difference being that in combined pills, you’ll get 21 in a pack (or 21 with seven inactive pills) or occasionally 24 (or 24 + 4 inactive pills). With mini pills, you get 28 in a pack (and they’re all active).

    Because it’s taken every day without a break, a lot of women who take the mini pill find that their periods become either much, much lighter or (more likely) stop altogether. Some women see this as a big advantage to using it over the combined pill, with which you’ll still often get a withdrawal bleed.

    How does the progesterone-only mini pill work?

    The progesterone only pill works by thickening the mucus in the cervix. Yep, we know. Mucus isn’t everyone’s favourite word. But what this does is make it harder for sperm to travel through, and to fertilise an egg.

    There are different types of progesterone in mini pills, such as desogestrel and norethisterone, and the effects can be slightly different. As well as working some mucus magic, a desogestrel pill can stop ovulation too.

    For the progesterone-only mini pill to work properly, it has to be taken at the same time every day. If you are late taking the pill, it counts as missing it. The missed pill window is shorter with some mini pills (3 hours) than it is with the combined pill (12 hours), so be sure to read the leaflet before you start.

    What are the advantages of progesterone-only pills?

    One of the biggest advantages of the mini pill is that it is safer to use for some women than the combined pill, because it doesn’t contain any oestrogen. You’re more likely to take the mini pill if you get migraines, if you’re breastfeeding, or if you are at a higher risk of blood clots due to high blood pressure or being overweight.

    The main disadvantage is that some progesterone only pills have a shorter missed pill window at three hours (compared to 12 hours for most combined pills).

    Medically reviewed by
    Dr Navkaran Singh Sandhu
    Lead Doctor
    on August 02, 2022.
    Meet Navkaran  
    This page was medically reviewed by Dr Navkaran Singh Sandhu, Lead Doctor on August 02, 2022. Next review due on August 01, 2024.

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    How effective is the progesterone-only pill?

    Very effective, when it’s used correctly. There are two methods used to measure effectiveness: perfect use and typical use.

    Perfect use is taking the mini pill exactly as stated in the instructions, without making any mistakes. Effectiveness associated with this method is over 99%, meaning that in 100 women taking the pill over a year, less than one will get pregnant.

    Typical use is taking the pill correctly for the most part, but making occasional mistakes (missing a pill, or taking it late). Effectiveness for this method is thought to be around 91%, meaning that around nine in 100 women using the progesterone-only pill will get pregnant over one year.

    When to start taking the progesterone-only pill

    If you’re not already taking the pill or using another form of hormonal contraception, you can start taking the progesterone-only pill at any point during your cycle. Or you can wait until you have your period.

    When you’re ready to start using progesterone-only birth control, pick a convenient time to take it because you’ll have to take it at this time every day.

    If you wait for your period, and you start taking the mini pill within the first five days of your period, you’ll be protected from becoming pregnant right away. So you don’t need to worry about using a diaphragm or condoms.

    You might need to go with another method of birth control if you have a shorter period. Use condoms or the diaphragm or avoid sex until you’ve used the pill for two days.

    You won’t be protected against pregnancy right away if you start taking it at any other point during your cycle. So if you’re not on your period and start taking the progesterone-only pill, make sure you use extra protection like a condom for the first seven days that you take it.

    Starting when switching from another pill

    When you switch from the combined pill or another type of progesterone-only pill, you can take your first one the day after you finish the last pill in your previous pack.

    If you’re changing from the skin patch or the vaginal ring, start on the day after your patch or ring is removed. If you do this, you won’t need to use extra protection.

    Which is the best mini pill for me?

    It depends on you. And your body. If you’re sensitive to a particular progesterone hormone for example desogestrel, mini pills which contain the hormones norethisterone or levonorgestrel could be better options for you, as they may give you fewer side effects.

    On the same basis, if you get side effects from these pills that persist and are uncomfortable, the likes of Cerazette may be more suitable, as they contain desogestrel.

    Mini pills containing Levonorgestrel or Norethisterone only have a three hour window in which to remember to take them, so if you take these pills more than three hours later than normal, you won’t be protected from getting pregnant. Cerazette offers more flexibility here. It carries a 12 hour missed pill window, so if you forget to take your pill on time, there’s a bigger margin for error. Currently, we offer only Cerazette.

    To sum up then, it’s really a question of what your body responds well to, and what it doesn’t. And with the missed pill windows, it may just be a matter of what fits your lifestyle best. We can advise you on the right pills for you, based on your health background, and you can choose your mini pill from there.

    Is there a generic progesterone-only pill?

    Yes. A lot of the birth control options you know will probably be branded versions. You might know their names, their active ingredients and you might know what to expect when you start using them.

    When there isn’t one, single brand of a particular medication, and there are several versions available, these are called generics.

    There are several brands of progesterone-only pills available. Some might have different names, but they’re very similar pills with the same dose. For example, Cerazette and Cerelle are identical from a clinical point of view, but just come in different packaging because they’re made by different companies. But there shouldn’t be any difference in how well they work.

    FAQ: Mini pill

    Have something specific you want to know about Mini pill? Search our info below, or ask our experts a question if you can’t find what you’re looking for.

    Can you take the progesterone-only pill with other medications?

    The progestin only pill may interfere with other medications, which can make it less effective. It’s very important then to let us know if you’re currently taking any other medications. Progestin only pills that contain norethisterone are known to interfere with:
    • St John’s wort;
    • HIV medication;
    • Griseofulvin (used to treat fungal infections);
    • Modafinil (treats sleeping disorders);
    • treatment for seizures, and
    • antibiotics.

    Do you need a prescription for the progesterone-only pill?

    Yes. Most types of hormonal birth control are prescription-only in India. Before you start taking it, we’ll need to check your health and medical history to make sure it’s safe for you as part of your consultation.

    Are there side effects when using progesterone-only pills?

    Just like with any other form of birth control, you might notice some side effects but they should be easy to manage. Some side effects are really common and should go away on their own after a couple of months, once your body has gotten used to the mini pill. The most common side effects noted include:
    • tender breasts
    • acne
    • irregular bleeding
    • changes to your mood and sex drive
    • headaches
    • changes in bleeding pattern
    • weight gain
    • nausea and vomiting
    • cysts on your ovaries (they should be harmless and won’t need treatment)
    If you get side effects that cause you discomfort and don’t go away, drop us a message. We may recommend that you try an alternative mini pill. More serious side effects with the progesterone-only pill are rare, but it’s good to know what the symptoms are in case you do need to get medical help. Stop using the progesterone-only pill and go to hospital immediately if you experience:
    • signs of a blood clot (throbbing or cramping pain, feeling breathlessness suddenly, coughing up blood);
    • signs of a heart attack (cold sweat, fatigue, chest pain);
    • signs of a stroke (a sudden weakness on one side of your body, difficulty seeing out of one or both of your eyes, sudden confusion).

    Does the mini pill stop periods?

    The short answer is yes (in most cases), although it doesn’t always completely stop bleeding. You may have some spotting (also called a withdrawal bleed) whilst taking the mini pill. You may also get heavy bleeding on the mini pill, and you should get in touch with us if you experience this.

    Why should I buy the mini pill with Treated?

    We’re making the mini pill convenient. Tell us about your health, and we’ll recommend pills that are safe and suitable for you. Once you’ve chosen your mini pill, you can set your own delivery schedule, and the quantity of pills you want to receive from us each time. We believe in aftercare too. So you can ask us questions about your contraception, and get extra guidance from us whenever you like. We’ll check in with you regularly to make sure that your pill is still right for you. And if it isn’t, no bother. We’ll explore alternative options.

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